Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Artist Statement

Most of my work deals with humanity in some way, whether it is iconographic, biographic or an abstract expression of emotion. My reduction cut took shape with the desire to combine beauty and tragedy, life and death. This theme can often be found in my work.

Stefani has been an art student in the Truckee Meadows for over 10 years. She currently attends TMCC where she is working on her AA in Fine Arts. She is a former resident of Riverside Artist Lofts, where her work was shown in the Sierra Arts Gallery and currently volunteers at VSA of Nevada.


This project was inspired by a friend who is a fan of skater, Lance Mountain. When I found this image I knew it was the one. It has been the catalyst for an even larger project which will be revealed in the spring. big fun! It is solar plate on ivory stock with chine colle'.

Monday, December 6, 2010

reduction cut

I really enjoyed this process. When I got down to my last color; however, I kind of messed up the cut, so I turned the block over and recut the final color... ugh!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Shepard Fairey

anyone interested... i was surprised to see Shepard Fairey in this documentary about Mark "Gator" Rogowski... it's a disturbing story, but fairey is in it quite a bit!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

drift project

I arrived downtown not sure what I'd choose as my theme. I parked and looked for the closest aesthetically pleasing image. The most interesting things I found were cracks in concrete. I found a beautiful one across a water access lid in the sidewalk. Along the way I found beautiful images of not just water, but so many different and unexpected objects having to do with water. This project caused me to view things I've seen a hundred times before in a whole new way.

psychogeographical drift